
Leadership coach.

Workshop facilitator.


women leaders.

workplace culture.

You want to be a more confident and effective leader
but don't know where to start.

Do you feel like there's never enough time to get everything done, leading to constant rushing and stress?

Are your personal and professional boundaries blurred leaving you feeling stretched thin?

Is your mind is often cluttered with worries, to-do lists, and thoughts about the past and future?

Are you experiencing burnout, often finding it challenging to embrace the present?

You've mastered survival mode. Now it's time to THRIVE!

How I can help you

I empower women to become more confident and effective leaders and partner with organizations to cultivate a more inclusive workplace.

My focus is on developing conscious leaders, guiding them to conquer overwhelm, overcome imposter syndrome, and foster inclusivity within their teams and organizations.


I deliver engaging and empowering talks tailored to your audience's unique needs. Whether virtual, in-person, or hybrid, my presentations motivate and equip your team for meaningful growth and transformation.


Through personalized one-on-one coaching, I empower women to define their purpose, avoid burnout, and achieve work-life balance. My coaching helps build confidence, overcome imposter syndrome, and develop the mindset needed for authentic, impactful leadership.


I design and facilitate interactive workshops that engage participants, foster collaboration, and provide actionable strategies for immediate application. Each customized workshop empowers your team to drive positive change and achieve lasting success.

Adia Thompson White

As a Black woman and young professional in corporate America, I faced significant challenges with confidence and imposter syndrome, which led to periods of doubt, depression, and hindered my career growth.

It wasn't until I found my voice and gained the confidence to be my authentic self that I began to truly thrive and excel in my career.

Now, I am dedicated to helping other women achieve the same transformation, empowering them to shift their mindsets and embrace their true potential.

My passion extends to helping organizations transform their workplace culture, fostering environments where individuals can bring their whole selves to work. This not only enhances employee satisfaction but also boosts productivity and profitability. After all, happy employees lead to happy clients.

As Dr. Maya Angelou wisely said,

"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it."

Meet Adia Thompson White

As a Black woman and young professional in corporate America, I struggled with imposter syndrome and a lack of confidence. This mindset no doubt held me back in my career.

It wasn't until I found my voice and the courage to be authentic self that I began to excel in my career.

And now I want to help other women do the same. This is also why I'm passionate about helping organizations transform their workplace culture so that people can bring their whole selves to work. This leads to increased productivity and profitability. After all, happy employees = happy clients.

As Dr. Maya Angelou said:

"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it."

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If you're tired of the daily grind leaving you stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed, then it's time to unlock the secrets to a stress-free existence.

Don't let stress continue to control your life.
Instead of letting life happen to you, let me show you how to create a life you love.

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